Tuesday, March 16


Had been 2 weeks with everyday timetable full of lectures and practical whole day.EXHAUSTED. way go to and way back from HUKM for lectures by doctor there were really tiring me for few days. these few days busy practicing splint, pressure garments and had been doing mock case study presentation today. happy that i was doin well in my part according to lecturer. next week will be starting of my very first official clinical placement for orthopaedic and surgery in Serdang Hospital. don't know any about the condition and situation there, and also the therapist. hope it goes well.

ignore if u think my thumb is looked like a little bit cacat as what my friends claimed...haha. just want to show that these are the splints i like the most among all that i had practiced doing these few weeks . easier for me to do but it's not easier to make them look nice and neat. and they are cute...lol


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